This site is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Roman Catholic Forum supports the return to the Traditional Latin Mass sanctioned by Pope St. Pius V as "Valid in Perpetuity" (Papal Bull: Quo Primum Tempore, 14 July 1570). We seek and support clergy ordained in Pre Vatican II rites. We pray for faithful Catholics caught up in the Novous Ordo, the return of disaffected Catholics back into the fold, the conversion of Russia, world peace and the reparation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We also seek and promote Pre-Vatican II Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, and Extreme Unction.We invite you return to the Catholic faith. We encourage all pagans, Infidel Muslims, Jews, agnostics, and atheists to find the truth in Jesus Christ.