Sunday, December 16, 2007



O God and Saviour of our souls, sweet Infant Jesus, Whom the angels and shepherds adored in the stable of Bethlehem on that holy night when Thou wert born of the Virgin Mary. We offer Thee our profound adoration and our most earnest thanksgiving for having become man for our redemption and salvation. Grant that we may apply all our powers to fulfill Thy gracious designs, that we may become perfectly renewed in heart, and inflamed with Thy holy love.
Our Father… Hail Mary...
Glory be… Hail and Blessed...

HAIL AND BLESSED be the hour and the moment in which the Son of God was born of the Most Pure Blessed Virgin Mary at midnight in Bethlehem in the piercing cold: In that hour, vouchsafe, 0 my God, to hear my, prayer and grant my petitions, through the merits of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

0 Merciful Redeemer, Who didst vouchsafe to remain in the chaste cloister of Mary’s womb, hidden and unknown, though Thou wast the Eternal Word, and the Wisdom of the Father. O grant that we may learn from Thee to love solitude and silence, and escape the evils that are found in the tumult and distractions of the world; grant us greater purity of mind and of heart; grant that we may glorify Thee, and edify others by our purity and modesty.

Our Father… Hail Mary...
Glory be… Hail and Blessed...

O Infant God, Who, from the moment of Thy conception in holy Mary’s womb, didst offer Thyself to Thine Eternal Father for the salvation of our souls. 0 vouchsafe, to give us a lively sense of the one thing necessary, so that we may labor zealously for others, and work out our own salvation in fear and trembling, yet with confidence in Thy love.

Our Father...
Glory be...
Hail Mary... Hail and Blessed...

O Sweetest Jesus, Who didst go up to Bethlehem in the womb of Mary, to obey the command of Caesar, who had ordered all his subjects to be enrolled. O grant us grace to obey with alacrity the most arduous commands from those who hold Thy place over us.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be... Hail and Blessed...


O Most Adorable Jesus, Who, upon Thine arrival at Bethlehem, wast rejected by all men. 0 grant us to follow Thine example in sufferings and contempt, that we may welcome Thee joyfully into our hearts, when Thou seekest an entrance there, either by holy inspirations or by Thy Divine Sacraments.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be... Hail and Blessed...


O Divine Infant, Who, when excluded from Bethlehem, didst inspire Thy holy Mother to retire to a poor and wretched stable, in which obscure and humble place it was Thy will to be born in order to confound our pride, and to teach us humility. 0 grant that henceforward, conforming ourselves to Thy will, we may renounce all pomp and pride, and become truly meek and humble of heart.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be... Hail and Blessed...


0 Divine Word, Who for the love of us, Thy poor creatures, wast pleased to be born under the most lowly roof, to be wrapped in the meanest swaddling- bands, and to be laid in a vile manger, amongst beasts, and to suffer a thousand evils. 0 grant that we also may renounce all worldly vanities, and embrace poverty of spirit, and mortification of the flesh, so necessary for our perfection. Grant that we may be thoroughly detached from creatures, and poor in all things save in Thy love and Thy grace.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be... Hail and Blessed...


0 Divine Saviour, 0 King of peace, Who wast pleased to make Thine appearance amongst us when the whole world was in peace. 0 vouchsafe to send us Thy peace, so that all our powers being brought into subjection to Thee, Thou mayest at the approaching solemnity, be born anew into our souls.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be… Hail and Blessed...


O Divine Saviour, 0 King of immortal glory, Who, in Thy great mercy, didst come into the world to redeem us and to make us holy. 0 grant that, denying all ungodliness and love of this world, we may live soberly in ourselves, justly toward our neighbor, and piously before Thee, that so we may be happy with Thee for all Eternity.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be... Hail and Blessed...


Anonymous said...

I am a Traditional Roman Catholic who is against the vatican II church.I just want to say the true Church of Christ is the Traditional Catholic Roman church. It is very beautiful and wonderful I pray that souls will embrace it. and Practice what it teaches for Christ established himself. if you are searching for the true faith no matter the Nationaltie. God loves you! and wants you to join
him someday in heaven when he calls you. Yes! we should support and believe in Christs church because it is the one and only, holy Catholice church. our parish
website is

gallicman said...

Anonymous, thank you for your comment. Yes the Roman Catholic Church is the Church of Jesus Christ. Christ gave us the seven sacraments and a holy priesthood to administer them. Praise God and His Holy Name.

Anonymous said...

Though I am a "traditional Catholic" myself, we must be very careful not to "label" solely the "traditional" movement of the Church as the ONLY true Church! Remember that Christ promised to be with HIS Curch (His entire Church)until the end of time. Not just a "faction" of the Church that (Dero Gratias) is holding true to all that is sacred to the Faith! The Catholic Chirch, to be truly so, must have it's sacred MARKS, most importantly that being the hierarchy (i.e. the Holy Father, Sacred Congregation of Cardinals, etc.)held intact for it to be Catholic. We traditionalist are only an aspect or rather a portion of Holy Mother the Church that in it's whole is sound and healthy. Just because the remaining portions of the "body" may be somewhat "un-healthy" at the moment doesn't mean we should severe ourselves from the body! A cut limb of a body will DIE if it is not securely joined with the rest of the body, needing the Head and Heart as it's life source!

gallicman said...

Thanks Anonymous. The only think I would change with what you write is that we are Catholics. Not traditional, but Catholics. The Novus Ordo is not Catholic, it is a new religion.