Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bishop loves Jews more than Catholics?

The real story is not that a Novus Ordo Bishop is lighting a menorah. Although this is very interesting in itself, the real story is that Novus Ordo Bishop Gomez denied Catholics the right to say prayers at two historic Catholic Churches as reported by

If this story is true it would seem that this bishop prefers non Catholics over Catholics. As the above picture illustrates he prays with Jews but not Traditional Catholics.

We understand that a group of Roman Catholics of the SSPX Chapel in San Antonio wanted to retrace the steps of the first Hispanic Roman Catholics in San Antonio and have a procession from Mission La Concepcion to Mission Espada.

This was a 7 mile walk and at each Catholic Church the group would stop and say certain devotion, whether it be the Stations of the Cross, the Rosary, or the Litany of St. Joseph. What a wonderful way for Catholics to express their love for Jesus Christ, honor Catholic Church’s contribution to the United States, and recognize the faith and courage of the Hispanic people in their colonization of the frontier.

These Churches were centers of Catholic faith, apostolic sacraments and the true Mass of the Roman Catholic Church.

According to the above referenced article, the Bishop told the rangers not to allow these Roman Catholics in to pray at the historic churches because he considers them “non Catholic”. This purported statement by the Novus Ordo Bishop demonstrates a complete lack of good faith. It appears that the Bishop forgot his role as a minister to promote prayer. We cannot say the bishop was ignorant because the bishop is old enough to remember true Catholicism.

Our understanding is that these Churches are no longer Church property but run by State Parks. How can anyone order the State Park Rangers to deny access to Catholics who want to pray? This act of denying a Catholic the right to pray displays a remarkable denial of a citizen their right of expression of their faith and freedom of speech on public lands. Further, for a supposed man of God, a supposed Catholic Bishop, to deny a Roman Catholic the right to pray to God is unconscionable.

Will these Roman Catholics sue for violation of their civil rights? Has it come down to Roman Catholics suing the Novus Ordo for their rights, access to their churches and property? Perhaps.

¡ Viva Cristo Rey !

Catholic support of Protestanism? Maybe....

On May 17, 2007 Aparecida, Brazil.

Novus Ordo Cardinal Rodriguez proposed a solution to the poor level of Catholic conversion in Latin American at the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean. He stated: "a new pastoral model that can respond to the longing for the word of God. We need more biblical impetus”. He continued by stating "If these are difficult times, new disciples are needed -- disciples who are able to respond to the difficulty, to resist the cultural storms that we are experiencing."

The question remains: how could it be so hard to maintain the Catholic Faith in Latin American where virtually everyone in Latin America was Roman Catholic before Vatican II. Even in dangerous times, such as in México in the 1920’s, when many Catholics died for the faith, Latin Americans maintained their faith in the Church.

It appears that the Novus Ordo Cardinal is suggesting that his ministers encourage each Catholic to read their own bible as a solution to conversion. This was Martin Luther’s solution as well. It appears that his solution is a Protestant solution.

If these ministers do promote this we may see a repeat of what happened in England and Germany at the time of the reformation. Of course we know that Protestanism was responsible for the splitting up of Christendom in tiny factionalized groups in disagreement with each other as to their interpretation of the bible but unified in one thing: their animosity toward the Roman Catholic Church.

The Novus Ordo Cardinal's recommendation could encourage each Catholic to become their own expert on theology and doctrine which could further increase the inroads of Protestantism in Latin America and the further decline of the Catholic Church. Additionally, we could see the emergence of many more denominations and even new Arian type heresies such as Jehova's Witnesses who deny the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Regrettably, we may see persecution against those who say the rosary and yearn for true Catholic doctrine.

Why wouldn’t the Novus Ordo Cardinal promote the Rosary, Sacred Heart, Nocturnal Adoration and the return of the true Mass? Wouldn’t these be more positive solutions?

Qutations Source:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Benedict XVI blames Brazilians for their weak faith

Benedict XVI spoke to Brazilian Novus Ordo Bishops on May 11, 2007 in Sao Paulo about methodical evangelization aimed at personal and communal fidelity to Christ.

The essence of his speech to the Novus Ordo Bishops was that Catholics in Brazil are losing the faith because they were never sufficiently grounded in the faith. He stated: “They are easily influenced because their faith is weak, confused, easily shaken and naive, despite their innate religiosity,"

He essentially then is blaming the decline of church attendance and the success of Protestants not on modernism, not on Vatican II, not to Lumen Gentium and the abandonment of the Holy Mass but on the Brazilian people themselves. This is like saying that the sheep are to blame for becoming lost not the Shepherd.

Remarkably, he continued by stating: Catholics should maintain good relations with Protestant sects as Catholic and Protestants have common ground with regards to moral issues.

No one is arguing that some Protestants may have family values and support other Catholic values. What is remarkable is that Benedict XVI does not give the Novus Ordo Bishops marching orders to reintroduce true Catholic doctrine and the Holy Mass back in Brazil.

Of course in order to give marching orders Benedict XVI must be able to rule in the same manner as Pope St. Pius V and Pope St. Pius X. Under the current Modern Church Constitution Lumen Gentium (not listed in Holy Scriptures) , the Novus Ordo Bishop of Rome must consult with the Bishops and the College of Cardinals to build a consensus before anything is done. This form of Church Government is called Collegiality. This type of governing of the Church was not instituted by Christ when he made Peter our first Pope.

Benedict then lamented that aggressive proselytism by sects had made ecumenical dialogue more problematic. Perhaps what Christ had in mind was a forceful Vicar of Christ that ruled his Church. Instead Benedict XVI said there was a need for deep doctrinal awareness among Catholics, so they could better know the specific identity of Christian communities, the elements that divide them and the possible areas of cooperation.

What do Catholics need to learn from Protestants?

Wouldn't be better to tell bishops to renounce modernism, declare that Protestants are heretics, promote true Catholicism, reintroduce Catholicism back into their parishes and reinstitute the Holy Mass?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Latinos becoming Muslims?

It has been reported that many former Latin American Catholics, most notably Mexican American and Puerto Ricans have left the true faith of Christ and have converted to Islam. Once the faith and to solace of many Latinos, the Catholic Church is taking a back seat to the faith of the enemy.

According to LALM (La Asociacion de Latino Musulmanes) some of the reasons given by converts are the simplicity of the religion, acknowledgement that the Virgin Mary is still the mother of Jesus. They also state that Islam is easier to understand than the concept of the Holy Trinity.
Of course what is not said by LALM is that these former Catholics are denying the divinity of Christ, the concept of original sin, and the need for expiation of sin through the cross. Additionally, converts do not realize Islam bloody history against Christians.

Alarmingly, this abandonment can be attributed to the general lax treatment of Catechism in the Novus Order, the non sacrificial nature of New Mass, and general decadence of the Novus Order.

Traditional Catholicism should be able to find a place with Latin Americans who look for devotion to Mary, sacrificial nature of the Mass, and clarity in their relationship to Christ. This is an opportunity for Traditional Roman Catholics to share our Roman Catholic Faith with our Hispanic brothers whose history is full of devotion to the Mother of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

Viva Cristo Rey

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cardinal Mahony ordains a 68 year old married priest

In an historic, joyful and solemn ceremony, Cardinal Roger Mahony ordained to the priesthood Father William Lowe, the first married and former Episcopalian priest to be so ordained in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, at Blessed Junipero Serra Church in Camarillo May 6.

The Sunday afternoon liturgy included scores of parishioners, Santa Barbara Region Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Curry, 14 priests and a dozen deacons and their wives. Father Lowe was accompanied by his wife Linda, their three grown children, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law and five grandchildren. Also present were local Christian clergy, representatives of the Ventura County Interfaith Community and Father Lowe's former seminary dean from his days in the Episcopalian seminary more than 40 years ago.

Noting this unique moment of Christian celebration, Cardinal Mahony said the church welcomed Father Lowe's ordination "with great gratitude to almighty God, but also with great hopes and expectations, because you not only bring new things to us in your own person, family, but you also bring your own heritage of years past."
Excerpt from the Tidings

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


VATICAN CITY, MAY 8, 2007 (VIS) - Made public today was a communique concerning the seventh meeting of the Special Council for Europe of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. The meeting was held in the Vatican on April 23.

The gathering was attended by Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, and by members of the presidency of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE).

According to the communique Archbishop Eterovic, making reference to John Paul II's 2003 Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in Europa, recalled the challenges and the signs of hope facing the Church on the European continent.

"The challenges of the current moment should encourage all the living forces of the Church," the communique reads, "to renew the impetus of evangelization on the European continent, which is showing signs of some weariness but also of revival."

"In the face of the modern challenges facing the Church throughout the continent of Europe," it is "episcopal collegiality" that represents "the appropriate space for the communion of pastors among themselves and with the Holy Father, with a view to renewed evangelizing activity.

"Such communion," the communique adds, "which enjoys the guarantee of unity and effectively ensures the real unity of the universal Church and of the Church in Europe, strengthens pastors as they constantly announce the Gospel in their various situations, where it is necessary to reaffirm the primacy of God in order to reiterate the dignity of man, created in His image an likeness, in the personal and community dimension."

Source: Vatican News Service

Apocalypse Times

Subject: Apocalypse Times, Gov.Romney,,,JosephNew England sees worst floods in 70 years,,,Yahoo newsThe latest storms seemed almost BIBLICAL, Gov. Mitt Romney said tuesday,(after the storms hit), on ABC's "Good Morning America." I guess the End Times is a joke until they hit, IN YOUR BACK YARD.Good Morning America should change it's name to, WAKE UP AMERICIA.

In Christ, Joseph

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Roman Catholic Forum supports the return to the Traditional Latin Mass sanctioned by Pope St. Pius V as "Valid in Perpetuity" (Papal Bull: Quo Primum Tempore, 14 July 1570). We seek and support clergy ordained in Pre Vatican II rites. We pray for faithful Catholics caught up in the Novous Ordo, the return of disaffected Catholics back into the fold, the conversion of Russia, world peace and the reparation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We also seek and promote Pre-Vatican II Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, and Extreme Unction.We invite you return to the Catholic faith. We encourage all pagans, Infidel Muslims, Jews, agnostics, and atheists to find the truth in Jesus Christ.
We invite you return to the Catholic faith.