Many Traditional Roman Catholics used to be Vatican II Catholics. I was for 20 years, as an altar boy, lecturer, choir musician and attended Novus Ordo services weekly, sometimes daily. We Traditional Roman Catholics have worn both sets of shoes, been on each side of the fence, and happily keep our faith in the True Roman Catholic faith. We don’t feel we are better than our Novus Ordo brothers and sisters, just blest with the true 7 Holy Sacraments.
May the Holy Ghost help me here. We Traditional Roman Catholics are not a cult or schism. Traditional Roman Catholics come from all walks of life: rich and poor, old and young, healthy and ill, multiple races, and many nations.
We are your friends and neighbors, not adversaries. Despite these differences what is truly amazing is that Traditional Roman Catholics have the most important thing in common, we have the true Catholic faith etched in our hearts and do the best we can to make God the center of our lives daily.
It’s very heart-warming and reassuring to read another Traditional Roman Catholic’s blog describing the exact same matters and opinions of the true Catholic faith, the 7 Holy Sacraments; and viewpoints on the 10 Commandments, Catholic practices, and prayers -- we Traditional Roman Catholics are one Apostolic and Catholic.
D J Praska
Nice. Very good job with this post, my friend. I feel your pain. For 14 years, I was part of the Novus Ordo and I was an "Altar Boy" for half of those years (the reason why I put "Altar Boy" was because a few years after I became one, it became permissible in the N.O. to allow girls to be "Altar girls", another reason why the N.O. is bad. I have not attended a N.O. mass for 15 months and I intend to keep it that way. The last time I was there, I walked out before "communion" because I was disgusted by it. I didn't mind walking out. It's not the true Mass anyway. Keep up your good work, my friend.
The Website Editor of Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel.
Dear Brother in Christ:
It has been 3 1/2 years for me. I tolerated all the changes for years. I bit my tough during the Novus Ordo consecration knowing something was wrong but I could not put my finger on it. It was only after the desecration of the Chapel at Fatima that I became desperate and had to look for the Church.
I found the Church in a Hotel Conference room in National City. Little did I know that I had been deceived for all those years. Little did I know I would have to humble my self and attend services in a Hotel conference room. I left a big Novus Ordo Church with Church, school and Parish hall.
The Holy CMRI priests that administer the sacraments are dedicated to our Lord and His Mother. They make great sacrifices so we can receive the sacraments.
We Catholics have been relegated to Hotel Rooms and private homes throughout the world. As St. Athanasius stated: "They have the buildings but we have the faith". Praise God.
Greetings, brother.
I must say how sorry I feel for you having to attend Mass in a Hotel hall. However, from my point of view, at least that's better than nothing. As for me, as you are probably aware, we attend Mass in a house in Fontana. We have been blessed to have a nice family give to the CMRI a safe haven. When you think about it, back in the times of the Roman persecution, our ancestors had to celebrate Mass in private houses and in secret. So our desperate situations are not all that much different from that, with the exception of not having people coming after us for being who we are and being punished with death should we be caught. And yes, the priests of the CMRI are the most kind and caring priests I have ever known. They have inspired me so much that I personally hope to become one of them some day (got to pay the bills first). Good night, brother. God bless you.
The Website Editor of Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel
Dear brother in Christ,
If you have the calling, then go for it. All of us have our station in life. I am a married man with three children. My job, with the help of God, is to raise my children to become servants of the Almighty.
If yours is to become a priest then praise God. God will give you strength.
God bless you.
I love being a Traditional Roman Catholic and came from a backround of no particular religon. but at the age of 13 my mom and step Dad sent me to the CMRI highschool for girl's I was baptized at age 14 and became catholic I Later joined another Traditional Cathlolic church here in spokane known as Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. I have been there for many years. and love it. here is the website
www.ladyofguadalupe.net Parish priest is Fr. kevin valencourt Please visit our little Chapel that Our Lord and OurLady gave to usso we can go to visit Our Lord any time we want.we would love to have you come and visit ourlittle Parish if you can. God bless you!
Maybe 'Traditionals' are not so bad, I don't know, but their are many out there that claim to be Traditional Catholics, and are really nothing more than conspiracy theorists and smack of 'cultism.'
You're right, there are Traditional Catholics that believe in conspiracies. I have seen them. Some, in my opinion, have gone over the edge.
The vast majority, however, are hard working people that are trying to raise a family in a country whose values are so diametrically opposed to Catholicism that they are considered "odd balls", not because they are, but because the world has diverged so far from God that those who try to uphold traditional teaching are criticized.
The fact is these Catholics, are holding onto their faith with all their might, trusting in the Lord.
In all fairness, many non traditionalists are equally odd, accepting homosexuality as a norm, accepting the slaughter of the unborn in abortion, and display such aversion to Christianity that thy can be considered bigots.
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