Sunday, December 16, 2007



O God and Saviour of our souls, sweet Infant Jesus, Whom the angels and shepherds adored in the stable of Bethlehem on that holy night when Thou wert born of the Virgin Mary. We offer Thee our profound adoration and our most earnest thanksgiving for having become man for our redemption and salvation. Grant that we may apply all our powers to fulfill Thy gracious designs, that we may become perfectly renewed in heart, and inflamed with Thy holy love.
Our Father… Hail Mary...
Glory be… Hail and Blessed...

HAIL AND BLESSED be the hour and the moment in which the Son of God was born of the Most Pure Blessed Virgin Mary at midnight in Bethlehem in the piercing cold: In that hour, vouchsafe, 0 my God, to hear my, prayer and grant my petitions, through the merits of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

0 Merciful Redeemer, Who didst vouchsafe to remain in the chaste cloister of Mary’s womb, hidden and unknown, though Thou wast the Eternal Word, and the Wisdom of the Father. O grant that we may learn from Thee to love solitude and silence, and escape the evils that are found in the tumult and distractions of the world; grant us greater purity of mind and of heart; grant that we may glorify Thee, and edify others by our purity and modesty.

Our Father… Hail Mary...
Glory be… Hail and Blessed...

O Infant God, Who, from the moment of Thy conception in holy Mary’s womb, didst offer Thyself to Thine Eternal Father for the salvation of our souls. 0 vouchsafe, to give us a lively sense of the one thing necessary, so that we may labor zealously for others, and work out our own salvation in fear and trembling, yet with confidence in Thy love.

Our Father...
Glory be...
Hail Mary... Hail and Blessed...

O Sweetest Jesus, Who didst go up to Bethlehem in the womb of Mary, to obey the command of Caesar, who had ordered all his subjects to be enrolled. O grant us grace to obey with alacrity the most arduous commands from those who hold Thy place over us.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be... Hail and Blessed...


O Most Adorable Jesus, Who, upon Thine arrival at Bethlehem, wast rejected by all men. 0 grant us to follow Thine example in sufferings and contempt, that we may welcome Thee joyfully into our hearts, when Thou seekest an entrance there, either by holy inspirations or by Thy Divine Sacraments.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be... Hail and Blessed...


O Divine Infant, Who, when excluded from Bethlehem, didst inspire Thy holy Mother to retire to a poor and wretched stable, in which obscure and humble place it was Thy will to be born in order to confound our pride, and to teach us humility. 0 grant that henceforward, conforming ourselves to Thy will, we may renounce all pomp and pride, and become truly meek and humble of heart.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be... Hail and Blessed...


0 Divine Word, Who for the love of us, Thy poor creatures, wast pleased to be born under the most lowly roof, to be wrapped in the meanest swaddling- bands, and to be laid in a vile manger, amongst beasts, and to suffer a thousand evils. 0 grant that we also may renounce all worldly vanities, and embrace poverty of spirit, and mortification of the flesh, so necessary for our perfection. Grant that we may be thoroughly detached from creatures, and poor in all things save in Thy love and Thy grace.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be... Hail and Blessed...


0 Divine Saviour, 0 King of peace, Who wast pleased to make Thine appearance amongst us when the whole world was in peace. 0 vouchsafe to send us Thy peace, so that all our powers being brought into subjection to Thee, Thou mayest at the approaching solemnity, be born anew into our souls.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be… Hail and Blessed...


O Divine Saviour, 0 King of immortal glory, Who, in Thy great mercy, didst come into the world to redeem us and to make us holy. 0 grant that, denying all ungodliness and love of this world, we may live soberly in ourselves, justly toward our neighbor, and piously before Thee, that so we may be happy with Thee for all Eternity.

Our Father... Hail Mary...
Glory be... Hail and Blessed...

Friday, December 07, 2007

Dec. 7, 1585 Isle of Bomel, Netherlands, Vigil of the Immaculate Conception

Dec. 7, 1585 Isle of Bomel, Netherlands, Vigil of the Immaculate Conception.
With the onslaught on the Catholic Church in full swing Protestant Armies were out fitted and supported by people such as William of Orange with the aid of Elizabeth I of England, Cecil, and other disaffected non Christian financiers. Many churches and tabernacles had been desecrated. Many of the Holy relics of the had been defiled.

Phillip II of Spain had sent his armies north to the Netherlands to protect his estates and more importantly to safeguard Catholicism at the cross roads of heresies between Germany and England. The Protestant armies, though, had a plan to destroy the Catholic Army.

After Phillips Army's success at Antwerp, the Duke of Parma sent a multiude of his troops to garrison on Bomel, Netherlands. The Catholic Army believed that Bomel was a safe and built a fort to protect themselves from possible attack from the Protestants during the winter months.

As the Spanish garrison thought they were secure, the Dutch Protestant Naval forces, who new the country better, had a plan to destroy the Christian army. It turns out that the land the Spaniards thought was safe was actually below sea level. Owing to the Netherlands reliance on dykes to keep water our of their fertile farm lands the areas around Bomel had been drained of water.

The Calvinists came up with the plan to destroy the dykes and flood out the Spanish Army. Once the dykes were destroyed the Calvinist Navy waited for the water to rise. They wanted the water to rise so high that the hated Catholics would be drowned.

Soon, that night, as the water rose, the land around Bomel became the Island of Bomel. The Catholics had become completely surrounded by water. The Spanish had no means of escape, no means of re supply of food, water, arms or reinforcements.

The Spaniard, though, had the true faith of Jesus Christ and the holy sacraments. The Spanish Army, in this time of peril, knelt down and gave thanks to our Lord and besought protection from our Lady of Victory.

Miraculously, in answer to the Catholics’ prayer, the roaring sea froze solid!
As the sea rapidly froze it became impossible for the Calvinist navy to approach the Spaniards and the Protestants had to retreat. Our Lady heard the pleas of her Christian soldiers. The open sea became ice so hard that the entire Spanish Army was able to cross the sea on foot to dry land!

Praise God!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

How to put Christ back in Christmas? Celebrate St. Nicholas Day

Every year we here Catholics and Protestants alike complain that Christ is missing from the season of Christmas. We Catholics complain that the Holy season of Advent is forgotten. In modern America Christmas begins on the day after Thanksgiving and ends when Santa Claus comes on Christmas morning.

We have heard our priests on preach on Advent, penance and preparation for the coming of the Lord. Ever since the Protestant Revolution and the commercialization of that Holy Day celebrating Christ's birth is only really celebrated by a few Catholics and some conservative Protestants.

One solution would be to return to the celebration of St. Nicholas Day on December 6th. You see, after the Protestant revolution many northern European countries down played Christmas. When the Puritans came to America Christmas was outlawed. It was only after Catholic Immigrants’ arrived from Europe that Christmas was again celebrated to a any great extent.

With this new found interest in Christmas came the marketers of merchandise and the desecration of this sacred holiday. The Merchandisers and seculars writers needed something to celebrate (they had since lost the Catholic Faith generations ago and really did not understand the true nature of the Holiday.) Consequently in their ignorance, irreligion and desire for profit they distorted St. Nicholas Day and moved it to December 25th. They also changed the character of this holy priest and bishop into a rolly, polly, fat, and gift giver named Santa Claus.

As our Catholic Immigrates started to suck up American culture they bought into this “ Santa Claus “ myth and started lying to their children thereby inadvertently deemphasizing the penitential nature of Advent, the true character of St. Nicholas, materializing Christ’s birthday and essentially knocking Christ out of Christmas along with all of the Protestants.

What should have happened was that the Catholic immigrant should have reintroduced these traditional observances to the spiritually weak and culturally deprived Anglo-Saxon Protestant. As we know this did not happen.

The plan for every Catholic this year should be to celebrate St. Nicholas Day some how on December 6th. Only in this way can we bring back Christ. Why? Well every year we all have this great desire to celebrate a mythical creature called Santa Claus albeit based on a true Saint of the Holy Catholic Church. This desire to celebrate Santa Claus and all the gifts, family and friends that go with it is sweeter that candy. So indulge, but indulge on St. Nicholas day. Get you fix, get it out of your system. It can be a beautiful happy holy day.

Once St. Nicholas Day is over it leaves Christ for Christmas. Christ is back because Santa Claus is gone.

Make it fun it fun. We can give candy away as is done in Europe. We could pray, eat dinner, and maybe have a special desert,. We could also acquire an image of St. Nicholas and light a candle thereby reintroducing the real St. Nicholas to our family and friends. I plan to take chocolates to work and give them out.

One of the hardest things for parents with small children would be to tell their children there is no Santa Claus. There is so much pressure on all of us to sustain the Santa Claus lie. So much is riding on this lie (big profits and secularization of society). I know I have been guilty of perpetuating this lie. I will break this lie this year and tell my children the truth.

A Catholic family has so many ways to observe the season. After St. Nicholas there are so many other Holy Days i.e.: Immaculate Conception Dec 8th, Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12th , St. Lucy’s Day December 13th , and of course the vigil Christmas and Christmas Day.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

How many of you have heard “Traditional Catholics are “out of touch”?

To those of you whom have been blest with Our Heavenly Father’ Graces to be teetering on the fence whether to become a Traditional Catholic or not, you’re well aware that many criticize Traditional Roman Catholics as being out of touch with reality. Unfortunately without walking in a Traditional Roman Catholics shoes, how can one accurately describe and know what a traditional Catholic thinks, believes, and feels?

Many Traditional Roman Catholics used to be Vatican II Catholics. I was for 20 years, as an altar boy, lecturer, choir musician and attended Novus Ordo services weekly, sometimes daily. We Traditional Roman Catholics have worn both sets of shoes, been on each side of the fence, and happily keep our faith in the True Roman Catholic faith. We don’t feel we are better than our Novus Ordo brothers and sisters, just blest with the true 7 Holy Sacraments.

May the Holy Ghost help me here. We Traditional Roman Catholics are not a cult or schism. Traditional Roman Catholics come from all walks of life: rich and poor, old and young, healthy and ill, multiple races, and many nations.

We are your friends and neighbors, not adversaries. Despite these differences what is truly amazing is that Traditional Roman Catholics have the most important thing in common, we have the true Catholic faith etched in our hearts and do the best we can to make God the center of our lives daily.

It’s very heart-warming and reassuring to read another Traditional Roman Catholic’s blog describing the exact same matters and opinions of the true Catholic faith, the 7 Holy Sacraments; and viewpoints on the 10 Commandments, Catholic practices, and prayers -- we Traditional Roman Catholics are one Apostolic and Catholic.

D J Praska

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sounds of Heaven

Sounds of Heaven

Today, as I was on the way to work, I heard several songs that I liked. Later, as I worked on my desk, I could hear more songs that I liked. Something, though, was different today. I just could not derive the same pleasure I used to from these songs.

So it was for me as each new and old song played on the radio. I am pleased less and less by these songs. These songs are just sounds arranged by man to fit human concepts of emotion and beauty. I realize more and more that all of these things are only temporary, that physical life does end, and eternal truth does exit.

God’s judgment is the great equalizer. It judges rich, poor, smart, and dumb. It judges the pretty, the ugly, the black, the white, the brown and the red.

True music is the music that the Angels play for God in Heaven. I pray, by the grace of God, that I may hear this music in His presence and spend eternity with Him. Praise God and his Holy Name. Pray for me.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Commenting on the 46-paragraph-long text

As Novus Ordo Cardinal Kasper stated:

"Commenting on the 46-paragraph-long text in an interview with Vatican Radio, Cardinal Kasper affirmed that "the document speaks of the tension between authority and conciliarity (or synodality) at the local (i.e., diocesan), regional and universal levels. The important development is that for the first time the Orthodox Churches have said yes, this universal level of the Church exists and also at the universal level there is conciliarity, synodality and authority; this means that there is also a Primate; according to the practice of the ancient Church, the first bishop is the bishop of Rome."

When Novus Ordo Cardinal Kaspar states “ancient “ Church does he mean the church founded by Christ, the same Church that offers the sacrifice of the Mass, the Church who’s mission it is to convert all men to Christ?

Does Novus Ordo Cardinal mean the same Church of St. Gregory the Great, Pope St. Pius V and St. Ignatius Loyola? Well, regrettably, the Novus Ordo Missae is not the sacrifice of the Mass and does not try to convert pagans and Jews to Christ. Does Novus Ordo Cardinal Kaspar belong to the Ancient Church or the New or “Novus Ordo” Church.
Novus Ordo Cardinal Kasper continued:
"The next time," added the president of the pontifical council, "we will have to return to the role of the bishop of Rome in the universal Church during the first millennium. Then we must also talk of the second millennium, of Vatican Councils I and II, and this will not be easy; the road is very long and difficult."

Now the questions is will the Orthodox ever accept Vatican I, which they should?

Will the Orthodox accept Vatican II? Yes, if the become as liberal as the Novus Ordo.
And three:
Will the Orthodox agree that the Novus Ordo has valid Episcopal and priestly rites?

If you thought that the traditionalists were critical just wait until the Orthodox start asking the questions.


Taken form the Vatican Information Service:


VATICAN CITY, NOV 15, 2007 (VIS) - Made public today was the final document of the plenary assembly of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. The meeting was held in the Italian city of Ravenna from October 8 to 14 under the presidency of Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and His Excellency Ioannis, metropolitan of Pergamo.

The title of the final document is: "Ecclesiological and Canonical Consequences of the Sacramental Nature of the Church. Ecclesial Communion, Conciliarity and Authority."

Commenting on the 46-paragraph-long text in an interview with Vatican Radio, Cardinal Kasper affirmed that "the document speaks of the tension between authority and conciliarity (or synodality) at the local (i.e., diocesan), regional and universal levels. The important development is that for the first time the Orthodox Churches have said yes, this universal level of the Church exists and also at the universal level there is conciliarity, synodality and authority; this means that there is also a Primate; according to the practice of the ancient Church, the first bishop is the bishop of Rome."

"However," the cardinal continued, "we did not talk of the privileges of the bishop of Rome, we merely indicated the praxis for future debate. This document is a modest first step and as such it gives rise to hope, but we must not exaggerate its importance.

"The next time," added the president of the pontifical council, "we will have to return to the role of the bishop of Rome in the universal Church during the first millennium. Then we must also talk of the second millennium, of Vatican Councils I and II, and this will not be easy; the road is very long and difficult."

The cardinal also commented on the fact that the delegation from the Russian Orthodox Church had abandoned the plenary assembly, explaining that "there was an inter-Orthodox problem over the recognition of the autonomous Church of Estonia" about which Moscow and Constantinople take different views.

"This is an inter-orthodox question," he reiterated, "and we cannot interfere; yet we are extremely sad and concerned because it is important to us that the Russian Orthodox Church should also participate in our future dialogue. Hence we cannot interfere but we wish to ask Moscow and Constantinople to do their best to find a solution, a compromise.

"If they wish," the cardinal concluded, "we can also facilitate this solution, either at the bilateral level between Moscow and Constantinople, or at the pan-Orthodox level, but there is not doubt that we want the Russian Orthodox Church to anticipate. It is a very important Church, we do not want to dialogue without the Russians and we wish to work to achieve this aim."

VATICAN CITY, NOV 15, 2007 (VIS) - Made public today was the final document of the plenary assembly of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. The meeting was held in the Italian city of Ravenna from October 8 to 14 under the presidency of Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and His Excellency Ioannis, metropolitan of Pergamo.

The title of the final document is: "Ecclesiological and Canonical Consequences of the Sacramental Nature of the Church. Ecclesial Communion, Conciliarity and Authority."

Commenting on the 46-paragraph-long text in an interview with Vatican Radio, Cardinal Kasper affirmed that "the document speaks of the tension between authority and conciliarity (or synodality) at the local (i.e., diocesan), regional and universal levels. The important development is that for the first time the Orthodox Churches have said yes, this universal level of the Church exists and also at the universal level there is conciliarity, synodality and authority; this means that there is also a Primate; according to the practice of the ancient Church, the first bishop is the bishop of Rome."

"However," the cardinal continued, "we did not talk of the privileges of the bishop of Rome, we merely indicated the praxis for future debate. This document is a modest first step and as such it gives rise to hope, but we must not exaggerate its importance.

"The next time," added the president of the pontifical council, "we will have to return to the role of the bishop of Rome in the universal Church during the first millennium. Then we must also talk of the second millennium, of Vatican Councils I and II, and this will not be easy; the road is very long and difficult."

The cardinal also commented on the fact that the delegation from the Russian Orthodox Church had abandoned the plenary assembly, explaining that "there was an inter-Orthodox problem over the recognition of the autonomous Church of Estonia" about which Moscow and Constantinople take different views.

"This is an inter-orthodox question," he reiterated, "and we cannot interfere; yet we are extremely sad and concerned because it is important to us that the Russian Orthodox Church should also participate in our future dialogue. Hence we cannot interfere but we wish to ask Moscow and Constantinople to do their best to find a solution, a compromise.

"If they wish," the cardinal concluded, "we can also facilitate this solution, either at the bilateral level between Moscow and Constantinople, or at the pan-Orthodox level, but there is not doubt that we want the Russian Orthodox Church to anticipate. It is a very important Church, we do not want to dialogue without the Russians and we wish to work to achieve this aim."

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Modernism and the California Missions

Modernism and the California Missions

A Baptist friend of mine marveled at the missions in California. He told me that on a hot San Diego day, a day when the Santa Ana winds were blowing hot over the Southern California landscape, how he had escape the heat by entering the abode walled Church of the Mission San Diego de Alcala. He marveled at the engineering feat of simple Catholic Franciscan priests who could build a solid structure of earth and mud that could block out the elements, keep the Church cool on hot days, and warm on winter days.

What he didn’t realize was that these simple priests were humble and meek but not all that simple. Many of these priests were well educated Spanish gentlemen who heard the call of God to traverse over oceans and deserts to bring the word of God to heathen Native Californians for the salvation of their souls.

These holy men were men of science, literature, and music. Many were educated in Guadalupe, Zacatecas, where the school in which they were trained still stands.

These gentlemen renounced worldly possessions, put on the coarse woolen grab of the Franciscan, and braved the elements to come north from the Viceroyalty of New Spain (Mexico).

They brought with them the Holy Scriptures, the 7 sacraments, and tools to build a thriving Christian community where one did not exists.

These men put aside prejudice and accepted the Native California as they were a people capable of learning, deserving of Gods love and capable of becoming members of the Church of Christ. This example of charity was in stark contrast to other European encounters with Native Americans on the East Coast, South and Mid West.

These men of learning and charity were able to learn the native languages, organize communities, and bring souls into the Mystical Body of Christ.

In addition to this they brought books on Roman law and established representative government. They maintained the Native California concept of community property within the context of Catholic teaching. Therefore the goods of the community (the mission) belonged to the people (the Native Californians).

Certainly, we hear lot of revisionist history, mostly from anti Catholic, pro socialist, and pro modernist, that there were problems in the mission. Well the fact is that the successes completely outweighed the failures.

After many successful decades of surplus food and surplus products (principally cow hides) non religious institutions such as the Landed Elite (Rancheros and Hacendados) became jealous of the lands that the church developed for the benefit of the Native Californian population. The landed elite wanted a bigger piece of the tan and hide trade with the New England Merchants who visited California shores. If they could get a bigger piece of this market they would make more money and be able to buy more manufactured goods produced in New England.

Once the landed elite was able to rid itself of the Crown,who had protected the Church’s’ interest in New Spain, they were able to lobby their new secular government in Mexico City to disband the mission system. They called this process “secularization” of the mission system.

The landed elite had done this for three principle reasons. Firstly, the landed elite had become less and less Catholic and more and more influenced by the French Revolution which was anti Catholic in nature. The landed elite found it unbearable to accept the fact that the Church was involved in commerce, education, welfare and land ownership. They sought to extricate the Church from secular society as much as possible and they succeed to the detriment to the new Republic of México.

Secondly, they needed the labor that the native population represented. In cold hard economic terms, the landed elite needed Native American labor to work on its ranches grazing cattle. The landed elite had complained for year to the Royal authorities that their interests were not being considered and complained that Church was benefiting more from this labor pool that they were. They also asserted that the Church’s mission of Christianizing the Native California was complete and by virtue of this the Royal government should break up the unnecessary missions and allow these people to join the unskilled workforce of California.

What the Rancheros did not recognize in their greed for more land, labor, and production was that the Native California lived in a wholly Christian Collective environment within the mission. They had not been educated in 19th century Spanish/Mexican culture of land, and labor, and materialism. The foundation of the Mission system was the Catholic Faith.

Thirdly, the landed elite wanted the land. They had argued that the Church had no business as a large landholder. They made demands on the government in Mexico to free up these lands and give them to themselves. What a business.

These above arguments sound very similar to the arguments that the German and English princes made to their respective Protestant ministers. As in Germany and England , three centuries later in California the Church was dispossessed of the land and a great deal of common folk ( Native Californians) where thrust into an economic system they were wholly unprepared for. No more were there safeguards to protect the young, ill, and aged from poverty.

In California, as in Germany and England, after the confiscation of these lands, no new secular authority would be able to compensate for the charitable existence in which each dispossessed person could previously claim under the laws of the Church.

In California some Native California did go to work for the large landed elite like the Sepulveda, Alvarado, Dominguez families, etc. Many more ill and aged became desamparado or abandoned, distressed, and marginalized. Many Native Californians left their mission grounds and joined other bands of Native Californians up in the hills and mountain and returned to the life their ancestors had known.

What is sure is that modernism in California as Protestantism in Northern Europe caused dislocation, poverty, and despair to many common people all in the name of progress and greed.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Traditionalist is a Misnomer

What was a Traditionalist prior to the French Revolution? Traditionalist is a misnomer. Ever since the reformation and French Revolution the Catholic has been marginalized and criticized for maintaining the faith of the Apostles. Throughout the 18th, 19th, 20th and so far during the 21st century a Catholic has been characterized as backward, reactionary, antiquated, and yes, “traditionalist”. Catholics have been labeled by the term “traditionalist” as if this was some how bad.

The fact is, while the world became less Catholic, the Catholic has maintained the faith. Maintaining the faith has made the Catholic look less and less modern. So it is the world that is wrong not the Catholic faith.

It is the duty of the Catholic, in charity, to point out how modernity has detrimentally changed and negatively affected society. One of the most destructive changes came from within our own Catholic church, the destruction of the Mass and sacraments, of which, Luther, a modernist, would be happy.

Other changes in society completely at odds with Catholicism are homosexual marriage, work on Sundays, pornography, blasphemy in the media, divorce to name a few.

Is it reactionary to be against homosexual marriage? Yes, in today’s world, yes. Happy to be a Catholic. Traditionalist is a misnomer. Catholics take heart in the faith of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

New Survey: Should the Pope be Catholic?

New Survey: Should the Pope be Catholic?

I guess the real question is: would a Catholic kiss the Koran, a book which describes Christians as worse than swine urine and that gives liberty to kill Christians who do not deny Christ and accept Islam? Is a Catholic one who receives a blessing from a Hindu priestess in the form of dried cow dung? Is a Catholic one who would allow pagans from all over the world to occupy Holy Churches in Assisi and practice idolatry in theses Churches?

Isn’t a Catholic instead more like our Holy Martyr, St. Peter, who would not compromise his faith at the hands of the Pagan Roman? Isn’t a Catholic one instead who would leave the comfort of his homeland, give up his life for Christ to convert the Native peoples of Canada, like St. Jean de Brebeuf and St. Isaac Jogues, who died a martyr’s death? Isn’t a Catholic more like the many more martyrs who died for their faith in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union ?

Traditional Holy Days of Obligation

Traditional Holy Days of Obligation for England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, United States, Canada, and Australasia

January 1 the Feast of the Circumcision ...... ALL
January 6 Epiphany....... E/W/S/I/C
March 17th St. Patrick’s Day..... I
March 19th St. Joseph..... S
Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter, the solemnity of the Ascension ......... ALL
Corpus Christi..... ALL
June 29 Ss. Peter and Paul...... E/S/I
August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary E/W/S/I/U/A
November 1, the solemnity of All Saints...... ALL
December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception ..... S/I/U/C
December 25, the solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ....... ALL

E = England W = Wales S Scotland I = Ireland U = United States C = Canada A = Australasia

Survey: Should Catholics take off Holy Days?

Survey: Should Catholics take off Holy Days?

The Results:

20% Yes, If Jews and Moslems take off their Holy Days why not Catholics ?

80% Yes, Of Course.

Overwhelmingly Catholics should take off our Holy Days. Take heart, Catholics, have courage and be counted as a Catholic. Make a stand for the Holy Church and do not go into work on our Holy Days of Obligation. Give your children a good example and take them out of school. We have rights as Catholics to worship our Lord on these days. Praise God.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

"The gates of hell will never prevail" (Matthew 16: 18)

Frequently we hear that the presence of a Pope is necessary to substantiate Christ’s promise. Subordinating Christ’s promise of “the gates of hell will never prevail" to the continuity of the Papacy is a fallacy. Christ is not a liar; He could not mean that we would always have a Pope. The fact is that between Popes there are periods of “No Pope” or sedevacante. Of course this is obvious.

For the sake of the uninitiated (those who are not conversant in traditional polemics) sedevacante is the period of time between Popes. Therefore at times there is NO Pope. If there is “No” Pope then logically Christ’s promise does not apply to this situation. (Unless you believe that Christ is a liar.)

Christ’s promise does not apply to these periods of sedevacante. This is a very simple argument. Christ’s promise is not that narrow and his love for us is too great to disappoint us during periods of “No Pope”.

Of course you may ask why a Catholic would believe there is no Pope at other times.

Well, it is very simple. Many Catholics believe that a Pope must first be Catholic. Simple, right? Yes it is simple. This means that the Vicar of Christ must uphold the Holy Scripture, Holy Tradition and the mageisterium. Catholic theology is not consistent with prayer with pagans, false ecumenism with Protestants, praying with Moslems toward Mecca, and a host of other actions the Novus Ordo Bishop of Rome has done over the past 40 years.

How has Christ kept his promise? Well, despite, the infestation of modernism in the Novus Ordo Church a Catholic can find valid sacraments through many validly ordained priests and bishops throughout the world. Christ is still found in many tabernacles throughout the world. Although, our opportunity to find a valid Mass has greatly been reduced by the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Missae, enough validly ordained priests and bishops have kept the flame alive. Praise God for these servants of God.

As St. Athanasius once said during the Arian heresy “they have the buildings but we have the faith”.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Could it be that the sedevacantist may be right in that the See of Peter IS vacant?

Could it be that the sedevacantist may be right in that the See of Peter IS vacant?

In traditional circles we hear a lot about the evils of sedevacantists and the praise for Novus Ordo Bishop of Rome, Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum Motum Prorio. (Please see Sept 3, 2007 post for an English language translation of the document). It seems that there are many Catholics who try to attend the true Mass whenever possible and ironically believe that those who have prohibited its use for almost four decades are still Catholic.

Most Traditionalists will agree that the reason they seek out the Tridentine or True Mass is because they do not feel that Christ is present in the Eucharist in the Novus Ordo form (and sometimes species). Essentially, if you are honest Traditionalist, you do not believe that the Novus Ordo (Modern Catholic) Sacramental forms are sacramentally valid.

It seems that the Novus Ordo Bishop of Rome, after prohibiting the True Mass for almost 40 years, all of a sudden is a hero to those he has disenfranchised. This contradiction alone should turn the heads of traditionalists and make them at least ask why. As Catholics we do not need to beg for the True Mass; it is our right as Catholics. As Catholics we should have a clear mind and understand what is and what isn’t true to the faith of Jesus Christ.

You see, essentially what Benedict XVI is saying is he’ll let you have your Mass, that has never been abrogated, if you announce to the world that his invalid Mass is a true Mass . He also is essentially saying he hopes your local bishop will approve of you having a true Mass, and if he doesn’t and you seek the True Mass elsewhere, you are outside the Church, a sedevacantist or both.

Further, let's remember that if the Novus Ordo Mass and sacraments are valid why go back to the older form? Why would we need a SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM? It would not be necessary. It would be a terrible waste to print new books and think of the confusion it would cause in the pews. How could the faithful reconcile the two forms? Would we then be uncatholic if we had two forms?

However, if the New Mass is invalid and its corresponding sacraments are invalid then run as fast as you can and find a traditional priest for valid confession and sacraments. You haven’t had valid sacraments for almost 40 years.

If on the other hand the Novus Ordo is valid, don’t worry, relax, there is no need to change anything. There is no need for a “Latin Mass”. There would be no need for a Motu Proprio.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Guadalupe over Islam

Byzantium was history by 1452. The Turk had conquered Rome of the East, Constantinople. They had confiscated the largest cathedral in the Christian World, Hagias Sofia, and made it the Great Mosque.

By the mid 1500's the Turk had conquered Greece, Albania and much of the Balkans. Germany (the Holy Roman Empire), France and Merry Olde England were no where to be found in defending Europe from the invader. Abandoning the Christian cause, they bitterly fought religious wars within their borders. England and much of the Holy Roman Empire fell into heresy.

The Turk at that time was the master of the Mediterranean. The Turk continued its threat against Europe and Italy. Throughout the Balkans, the Turk destroyed both Orthodox and Catholic Churches and tried to force Islam on the people. Regrettably, they were successful in Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

Although Spain did not have economic and or strategic interests in the region, St. Pope Pius V asked and obtained aid from the King of Spain, Phillip II, to participate in a crusade to prevent further advancement of the Turk in Europe.

Spain, the Vatican and Venice formed a league to fend further Turkish encroachment into Christian Europe.

So despite the lack of political or economic interests, its own wars in the Low Countries, threats from England, and Moslem terrorism in Andalucía, Spain provided the greater part of the navy which destroyed a far superior Naval Fleet of the Turk. This was done on October 7, 1571 at the Battle of Lepanto.

Over 80% of the Turkish Navy was destroyed for the glory of God. The League’s leader, Juan de Austria, and all military personal prior to the engagement, fasted for three days, went to Confession, and received Holy Communion. Even the galley slaves were unshackled and allowed to do this. They also prayed the Rosary, flew the blue banner Our Lady of Guadalupe, and that of the Pope himself. This was a glorious victory for Christ.

At the very hour of victory, as Pope St. Pius was occupied with Vatican business, he looked out of the window and received revelation the battle had been won. Thereupon he told his treasurer “Go with God. This is not the time for business, but to give thanks to Jesus Christ, for our fleet has just conquered.” He then prostrated himself in his chapel in thanksgiving.

Two weeks later word of the victory finally reached Rome. The Pope declared October 7, the feast of the Holy Rosary and added the title Help of Christians to our Lady’s Litany of Loreto. There was much rejoicing in Italy and Spain.

Praise God.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Toties Quoties Indulgence

Toties Quoties Indulgence

From noon All Saints Day until midnight at the end of All Souls Day the Catholic faithful, as often as they visit a church or chapel, where the Blessed Sacrament is truly present, to pray for the dead, reciting six times during each visit the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the intentions of Holy Mother Church, may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, under the usual conditions of making a good Confession within a week before or after, worthily receiving Holy Communion within the week and having the right intention of heart. This is called the Toties Quoties Indulgence.

FIRST DAY - November 1, 2007

During this month our foremost thought is to recall to mind our beloved dead. We shall think of you, pray with you, labor with you, and shall give to the poor for the repose of your soul, that portion of the fruits of our daily labors which was formerly yours.
Pray: One Our Father, Three Hail Mary’s. On Gloria and De Profundis ( below) Psalm 129


Out of the depths, I have cried to Thee, 0 Lord, Lord, hear my voice.
R.Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication
If Thou, 0 Lord, shalt mark my iniquities, 0 Lord, who shall stand it?
R.For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by reason of Thy law I have waited for Thee. O Lord
My soul hath relied on His word; my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
R.From the morning watch even until night, let Israel hope in the Lord
Because with the Lord there is mercy; and with Him plenteous redemption.
R.And he shall redeem Israel form all its iniquities.
Eternal rest grant unto them, 0 Lord,
R.and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace
R. Amen.

Most compassionate Jesus, have mercy on the souls in Purgatory, for whose redemption Thou didst take upon Thyself the nature of mankind and die an ignominious death. Mercifully hear their pleadings - look with pity on the tears which they now shed before Thee and by virtue of their passion release them from the pain due unto their sins. Most pitiful Jesus, let Thy Precious Blood flow down into Purgatory and refresh and revive the captive souls suffering there. Stretch out unto them Thy strong right hand, and lead them to a place of refreshment, light and peace. Amen.

SECOND DAY - November 2, 2007

Is not the memory of the dead sweet to the heart, and is it not consoling to gather about us in thought the family dispersed by death?
Pray: One Our Father, Three Hail Mary’s. On Gloria and De Profundis ( below) Psalm 129

Protestantism: Labor and Land grab

Luther, a disaffected priest, who wanted to marry, was supported by German Barons who wanted to enrich themselves on Church land. Additionally German princes wanted to capitalize on peasant labor that was much happier taking off from 21 - 40 days a year in religious festivals.

Now, if the German prince could cut out all of those religious days their profit margin could increase. Additionally, once they were able to get rid of Rome they could confiscate productive monasteries and enrich themselves even more. An added benefit for Protestant was that they could divorce their wives and remarry with Luther's blessing. Great Reformation, right? Wrong.

The faithful Catholic was forced to accept a fabricated religion devoid of every sacrament except for baptism. The Reformation also deprived the populace of a valid priesthood and apostolic succession. Essentially the Reformation created a new religion and should actually be called a revolution, not a reformation.

As for Spain, if it were not for Charles V and his son Phillip II , Europe would be Moslem. Protestants were notoriously anti Christian and curiously unprepared for the onslaught by the Turk.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Take off that Holy Day

Today is All Hollows and tomorrow is of course, All Saints Day. This brings English speaking Catholics a desire to attend Mass in a country, that by Protestant English tradition frowns on honoring the Saints, exacts work out of the common man and does not celebrate God on a national level. Therefore, a Catholic who wants to go to Church must often decide what is more important, career, privacy or faith.

Certainly, if the Tudor King Henry VIII had remained Catholic, none of this would have happened. The fact is that due to Henry VIII’s greed and transgressions the common folk of England lost approximately 21 days a year of extra rest . These days of course were the former Holy Days of the Christian calendar. The English speaking world could enjoy God and family at home and church on these days.

In these days of merry olde England, an Englishman did not have to work and would participate in community fairs and celebrations of food, music, games and of course attendance at Holy Mass . Certainly, the English speaking world lost much more than their religion under Henry VIII. We lost freedom, good times and national reverence toward God the Father.

A day like November 1 was a day an employee did not have to ask time off to celebrate and go to Mass. Other days included January 6, Epiphany, February 2, Candlemass, March 26, Day of the Annunciation, etc. Clearly we lost at least 21 extra days a year.

For what, so Henry could confiscate church property, murder priests, and make the common man work harder for the realm.

The United States has continued this disregard for celebration of God in our lives just like the English Monarch. In our country, our constitution by its liberal nature is neutral toward God and Christian doctrine. Our Constitution does not declare God's sovereignty but man's sovereignty.

We urge Catholics to take pride in their heritage, ask for these days off and praise God. Catholics, united, can bring back God into the national consciousness through prayer, faith, and simply, en masse, refuse to go to work these days.

Believe it or not, Catholics in New England were influential enough to compel Protestant Massachusetts in the 1700’s to declare Christmas a holiday. Before that time a Catholic had to work on Christmas. Catholics can make a difference.

Praise God.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Motu Proprio

The Apostolic Letter

“Motu Proprio data”

Summorum Pontificum

of His Holiness Pope

Benedict XVI

English translation © 2007 Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Supreme Pontiffs’ care has been, now and ever, that Christ’s Church would offer a due worship of the Divine Majesty, « to the praise and glory of His Name » and « for the utility of His entire Holy Church ».

From time immemorial just as even unto the future, the principle to be kept is « in accord with this that each particular Church ought to concord with the Universal Church not only in regard to the doctrine of the Faith and the sacramental Signs, but even in regard to the uses universally accepted by Apostolic and continuous Tradition, which are to be observed not only to avoid errors, but even to hand down the integrity of the Faith, because the Church’s law of praying may respond to Her law of believing ».1

Among the Pontiffs, who employed such a due care, the name of Saint Gregory the Great stands out, who cared to transmit to the peoples of Europe as much the Catholic Faith as the treasures of the worship and culture accumulated by the Romans in the preceding ages. He commanded that there be defined and conserved the form of the Sacred Liturgy as much of the Sacrifice of the Mass as of the Divine Office. He fostered most of all the monks, who serving under the Rule of St. Benedict illustrated with their life everywhere that most salubrious sentence of the Rule together with the annunciation of the Gospel, « that nothing is to be placed before the work of God » (chapter 43). In such a manner the sacred liturgy according to the Roman custom made fecund not only the faith and piety but even the culture of many nations. It is established, indeed, that the Latin liturgy in its various forms stimulated very many of the Saints of the Church in the spiritual life in all the ages of Christian history and strengthened all peoples in the virtue of religion and fecundated their piety.

5 protestants who helpped write the New Mass

Moreover so that the Sacred Liturgy more efficaciously fulfill this duty, several other Roman Pontiffs during the course of the ages expended peculiar solicitude, among whom Saint Pius V stands out, who with great pastoral study, at the exhortation of the Council of Trent, innovated [innovavit] the whole worship of the Church, took care to emend the liturgical books and « restore [instauratorum] them to the norm of the Fathers » and granted to the Latin Church that they be used.

Among the liturgical books of the Roman Rite it is clear that the Missale Romanum stands forth, which grew up in the City of Rome, and assumed (its) forms gradually with the passing of ages, which (books) have a great similarity to that in force in more recent generations.

« Which same proposal with the progress of time the Roman Pontiffs have pursued, when they accommodated the liturgical books of the rite to, or determined them for, new times, and (when) they then at the beginning of our century embraced (their) now more ample restoration [redintegrationem] ».2 Thus, indeed, did Our Predecessors Clement VIII, Urban VIII, St. Pius X,3 Benedict XV, Pius XII and Bl. John XXII act.

Moreover, in more recent times, the Second Vatican Council expressed the desire, that due observance and reverence would again be restored [instauraretur] toward divine worship and that it would be adapted to the necessities of Our age. Moved by which desire, Our Predecessor the Supreme Pontiff, Paul VI, approved for the Latin Church the restored and partially innovated liturgical books in the year 1970; which having been converted into the very many vulgar tongues of earth, were received by the Bishops and priests and faithful willingly. John Paul II, recognized the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal. Thus the Roman Pontiffs have worked so that « this liturgical edifice » might appear « again splendid in dignity and elegancy ».


But in some regions not a few of the faithful adhered and continued to adhere with great love and affection to the antecedent liturgical forms, which imbued their culture and spirit so profoundly, such that the Supreme Pontiff, John Paul II, moved by the pastoral care of these faithful, conceded in the year 1984, by the special Indult “Quattuor abhinc annos”, issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship, the faculty of using the Missale Romanum of John XXIII, published in 1962; moreover in the year 1988 John Paul II again, with the Apostolic Letter “Ecclesia Dei”, given as a Motu Proprio, exhorted the Bishops to employ such a faculty broadly and generously in favor of all the faithful petitioning for it.

With the pressing prayers of these faithful pondered over for a long time by Our Predecessor John Paul II, (and) heard also in the Consistory held by Our Father Cardinals in the month of March of the year 2006, being all maturely pondered, having invoked the Holy Spirit and confiding in God’s help, we decree with the present Letters Apostolic those (things) which follow:

Article 1. Let the Missale Romanum promulgated by Paul VI be held as the ordinary expression of the “Law of prayer” of the Catholic Church of the Latin Rite. But let the Missale Romanum promulgated by St. Pius V and published anew by Bl. John XXIII be held as the extraordinary expression of the same “Law of prayer” of the Church and let it enjoy due honor on account of its venerable and ancient use. Let these two expression of the Church’s “law of praying”, lead, least of all, to a division in the Church’s “law of believing”; for they are two uses of the unique roman rite.

Next, it is licit that one celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass, according to the typical edition of the Missale Romanum promulgated by Bl. John XXIII in the year 1962 and never abrogated,* as the extraordinary form of the Liturgy of the Church. However, the conditions established by the antecedent documents, “Quattuor abhinc annos” and “Ecclesia Dei” for the use of this Missale, are substituted as follows:

Article 2. In Masses celebrated without the people, any catholic priest of the latin rite, whether secular or religious, is able to use either the Missale Romanum published by Bl. John XXIII in the year 1962, or the Missale Romanum promulgated by the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI in the year 1970, and indeed on any day, except the Sacred Triduum. For such a celebrated according to one or the other Missal, the priest needs no permission [nulla licentia], neither from the Apostolic See nor from his own Ordinary.

Article. 3. If the communities of the Institutes of consecrated life and of the Societies of apostolic life of pontifical or diocesan right desire to have a celebration of the Holy Mass according to the edition of the Missale Romanum promulgated in the year 1962, in their own oratories, as a conventual or communal celebration, it is licit for them. If each community or the whole Institute and/or Society wants to perform very frequently and/or permanently such celebrations, let the matter be discerned by the major superiors according to the norm of law and their own particular laws and statutes.

Article 4. The Christian faithful, who ask for this on their own initiative, can also be admitted to the celebrations of the Holy Mass which were (spoken of) above in Article 2, having observed what is to be observed according to the law

Article 5, §1. In the parishes, where a gathering [coetus] of the faithful exists (who) adhere uninterruptedly to the antecedent liturgical tradition, let the pastor freely [libenter] take up their petitions to celebrate the Holy Mass according to the rite of the Missale Romanum published in the year 1962. Let him see that good of these faithful be harmonized with the ordinary pastoral care of the parish, under the rule of the bishop according to the norms of canon 392, by avoiding discord and by fostering the unity of the whole Church.

§ 2. The celebration of the Missal of Bl. John XXIII can take place on ferial days; but on Sundays and Feasts there can also be one celebration of this kind.

§ 3. With the faithful or priests asking for this, let the pastor permit celebrations, in this extraordinary form even in additional particular (circumstances), such as are weddings, funerals and occasional celebrations, v. g. pilgrimages.

§ 4. Priest using the Missale of Bl. John XXIII, ought to be fit and (ought) not be impeded.

§ 5. In churches, which are neither parochial nor conventual, there is a conceding of permission concerning what was (mentioned) above to the Rector of the Church.

Article 6. In Masses according to the Missal of Bl. John XXIII, celebrated with the people, the Lectiones can be proclaimed also in the vernacular tongue, by using the editions (of the readings) recognized by the Apostolic See.

Article 7. Where any gathering of the lay faithful, does not obtain from (their) pastor by a petition made in accord with Article 5, § 1, let the diocesan Bishop make certain of the matter. The Bishop is eagerly asked to hear out their wish. If he cannot provide for a celebration of this kind, le the matter be referred to the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”.

Article 8. The Bishop, who wants to provide for petitions of this kind by the Christian lay faithful, but who is impeded on account of various causes, can commit the matter to the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, which will give him counsel and assistance.

Article 9, § 1. The pastor, likewise, having considered all (things) well, (and) having been persuaded to it for the good of souls, can concede permission to use the more ancient ritual in the administration of the sacraments of Baptism, Matrimony, Penance and the Anointing of the Infirm.

§ 2. Moreover the faculty is conceded to the Ordinaries, (who) have been persuaded to it for the good of souls, of celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation by using the ancient Roman Pontifical.

§ 3. It is allowed to clerics constituted in sacred (orders) to use also the Roman Breviary promulgated by Bl. John XXIII in the year 1962.

Article 10. It is allowed to the Ordinary of the place, if he would judge it opportune, to erect a personal parish according to the norm of canon 518 for celebrations according to the more ancient form of the roman rite or to nominate a rector and/or chaplain, having observed what is to be observed according to the law.

Article 11. The Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, erected by John Paul II in the year 1988,5 continues to fulfill its duty.

Which Commission is to have the form, duties and norms of acting, which the Roman Pontiff willed to attribute to it.

Article 12. The same Commission, besides the faculties which it already enjoys, will exercise the authority of the Apostolic See, by being vigilant for the observance and application of these dispositions.

On the other hand, we command that all these, whatsoever has been decreed by Us in these Letters Apostolic, given as a Motu Proprio, be firm and ratified and (we command that they) be observed from the 14th day of September of this year, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, not withstanding any contrary things.

Given at Rome, at St. Peter’s, on the 7th day of the month of July, in the year of Our Lord 2007, in the third (year) or our Pontificate.

Pope Benedict XVI.

[1] Institutio generalis Missalis Romani, Editio tertia, 2002, 397
[2] Ioannes Paulus Pp. II, Litt. ap. Vicesimus quintus annus (4 Decembris 1988), 3: AAS 81 (1989), 899.
[4]S. Pius Pp. X, Litt. Ap. Motu proprio datae Abhinc duos annos (23 Octobris 1913): AAS 5 (1913), 449-450; cfr Ioannes Paulus II, Litt. ap. Vicesimus quintus annus (4 Decembris 1988), 3: AAS 81 (1989), 899.
[5] Cfr Ioannes Paulus Pp. II, Litt. ap. Motu proprio datae Ecclesia Dei (2 iulii 1988), 6: AAS 80 (1988), 1498.

* Translator’s Note: The Missale Romanum promulgated by Pope St. Pius V, by his Apostolic Constitution, Quo Primum, is only a liturgical book, as such it cannot be abrogated, because it is not a legal document. In saying, therefore, that it was “never abrogated,” H. H. Benedict XVI testifies solemnly that the Apostolic Constitution by which it was promulgated remains in force with all its effects, thus clarifying the great confusion sown by the enemies of the Apostolic See and the partisans of discord, who falsely claimed and claim that the Apostolic Constitution, Missale Romanum of Pope Paul VI, touched the Apostolic Constitution of he saintly predecessor, and in some manner either totally or in part abrogated, derogated, or obrogated it.
In this the present Holy Father, Benedict XVI, affirms the immemorial principle of interpreting Papal pronouncements: what is not explicitly mentioned is not enacted, abrogated, derogated, or obrogated. It also refutes the erroneous opinion published by the Congregation for Divine Worship

Friday, June 08, 2007

Make them prove it

The Novus Ordo San Diego Diocese continues to be plagued by attorneys representing approximately 150 alleged sexual abuse victims against Novus Ordo priests. So far the Novus Ordo diocese has not elected to make any of these alleged victims prove their cases in court.

One wonders how many of theses trials might expose the high level of homosexual pedophilia that may have been allowed to have exist on or near the tables set in the Churches where the holy altars of our Lord once stood. (Remember the vast majority of these churches used to offer the sacrifice of the mass on altars to our Lord). These altars and tabernacle were torn down and the tabernacles were moved to another location. Now these Churches are equipped with tables envisioned by Martin Luther where a service similar to Lutheran Mass is performed.

One has to assume that Novus Order Bishop Brom won’t allow the Novis Ordo Diocese to defend itself against these allegation because many of these allegations are true and defending the allegation may be extremely inflammatory, may cause rapid decrease in attendance at Mass, and a decrease in revenue.

Currently, the Novus Odor has declared bankruptcy which essentially is an admission of fault and allows the court to divide assets among its creditors (alleged victims). The argument now is not if these crimes were committed but how much money does the Dioceses have and how much goes to each victim.

Currently the Diocese contends it does not own its parishes. The plantif attorneys contends that all parishes are owned by the diocese therefore appraised values of these churches should be added to the big pie and allow more money to go the attorneys and alleged victims..

The court will look at four parishes to determine if these are owned by the Diocese or the parishioners. Theses parishes are: All Hallow's in La Jolla, St. Mark's in San Marcos, St. John of the Cross in Lemon Grove and St. Margaret's in Oceanside.

As the Diocese, attorneys and the court argue how much the Novus Ordo Church is worth the real losers in this process will be the faithful Catholic in the pew. These are Catholics that withstood, liberal priests, nuns, communion in the hand, the imposition of the Lutheran Mass, the tearing down of their altars etc. Whether these attorney get 90Million, $200million or ½ a billion, ultimately the parishioners will pay the price.
One wonders when Catholics will wake up, demand a return to their faith, sacraments, demand their Churches back and demand a true priesthood.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bishop loves Jews more than Catholics?

The real story is not that a Novus Ordo Bishop is lighting a menorah. Although this is very interesting in itself, the real story is that Novus Ordo Bishop Gomez denied Catholics the right to say prayers at two historic Catholic Churches as reported by

If this story is true it would seem that this bishop prefers non Catholics over Catholics. As the above picture illustrates he prays with Jews but not Traditional Catholics.

We understand that a group of Roman Catholics of the SSPX Chapel in San Antonio wanted to retrace the steps of the first Hispanic Roman Catholics in San Antonio and have a procession from Mission La Concepcion to Mission Espada.

This was a 7 mile walk and at each Catholic Church the group would stop and say certain devotion, whether it be the Stations of the Cross, the Rosary, or the Litany of St. Joseph. What a wonderful way for Catholics to express their love for Jesus Christ, honor Catholic Church’s contribution to the United States, and recognize the faith and courage of the Hispanic people in their colonization of the frontier.

These Churches were centers of Catholic faith, apostolic sacraments and the true Mass of the Roman Catholic Church.

According to the above referenced article, the Bishop told the rangers not to allow these Roman Catholics in to pray at the historic churches because he considers them “non Catholic”. This purported statement by the Novus Ordo Bishop demonstrates a complete lack of good faith. It appears that the Bishop forgot his role as a minister to promote prayer. We cannot say the bishop was ignorant because the bishop is old enough to remember true Catholicism.

Our understanding is that these Churches are no longer Church property but run by State Parks. How can anyone order the State Park Rangers to deny access to Catholics who want to pray? This act of denying a Catholic the right to pray displays a remarkable denial of a citizen their right of expression of their faith and freedom of speech on public lands. Further, for a supposed man of God, a supposed Catholic Bishop, to deny a Roman Catholic the right to pray to God is unconscionable.

Will these Roman Catholics sue for violation of their civil rights? Has it come down to Roman Catholics suing the Novus Ordo for their rights, access to their churches and property? Perhaps.

¡ Viva Cristo Rey !

Catholic support of Protestanism? Maybe....

On May 17, 2007 Aparecida, Brazil.

Novus Ordo Cardinal Rodriguez proposed a solution to the poor level of Catholic conversion in Latin American at the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean. He stated: "a new pastoral model that can respond to the longing for the word of God. We need more biblical impetus”. He continued by stating "If these are difficult times, new disciples are needed -- disciples who are able to respond to the difficulty, to resist the cultural storms that we are experiencing."

The question remains: how could it be so hard to maintain the Catholic Faith in Latin American where virtually everyone in Latin America was Roman Catholic before Vatican II. Even in dangerous times, such as in México in the 1920’s, when many Catholics died for the faith, Latin Americans maintained their faith in the Church.

It appears that the Novus Ordo Cardinal is suggesting that his ministers encourage each Catholic to read their own bible as a solution to conversion. This was Martin Luther’s solution as well. It appears that his solution is a Protestant solution.

If these ministers do promote this we may see a repeat of what happened in England and Germany at the time of the reformation. Of course we know that Protestanism was responsible for the splitting up of Christendom in tiny factionalized groups in disagreement with each other as to their interpretation of the bible but unified in one thing: their animosity toward the Roman Catholic Church.

The Novus Ordo Cardinal's recommendation could encourage each Catholic to become their own expert on theology and doctrine which could further increase the inroads of Protestantism in Latin America and the further decline of the Catholic Church. Additionally, we could see the emergence of many more denominations and even new Arian type heresies such as Jehova's Witnesses who deny the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Regrettably, we may see persecution against those who say the rosary and yearn for true Catholic doctrine.

Why wouldn’t the Novus Ordo Cardinal promote the Rosary, Sacred Heart, Nocturnal Adoration and the return of the true Mass? Wouldn’t these be more positive solutions?

Qutations Source:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Benedict XVI blames Brazilians for their weak faith

Benedict XVI spoke to Brazilian Novus Ordo Bishops on May 11, 2007 in Sao Paulo about methodical evangelization aimed at personal and communal fidelity to Christ.

The essence of his speech to the Novus Ordo Bishops was that Catholics in Brazil are losing the faith because they were never sufficiently grounded in the faith. He stated: “They are easily influenced because their faith is weak, confused, easily shaken and naive, despite their innate religiosity,"

He essentially then is blaming the decline of church attendance and the success of Protestants not on modernism, not on Vatican II, not to Lumen Gentium and the abandonment of the Holy Mass but on the Brazilian people themselves. This is like saying that the sheep are to blame for becoming lost not the Shepherd.

Remarkably, he continued by stating: Catholics should maintain good relations with Protestant sects as Catholic and Protestants have common ground with regards to moral issues.

No one is arguing that some Protestants may have family values and support other Catholic values. What is remarkable is that Benedict XVI does not give the Novus Ordo Bishops marching orders to reintroduce true Catholic doctrine and the Holy Mass back in Brazil.

Of course in order to give marching orders Benedict XVI must be able to rule in the same manner as Pope St. Pius V and Pope St. Pius X. Under the current Modern Church Constitution Lumen Gentium (not listed in Holy Scriptures) , the Novus Ordo Bishop of Rome must consult with the Bishops and the College of Cardinals to build a consensus before anything is done. This form of Church Government is called Collegiality. This type of governing of the Church was not instituted by Christ when he made Peter our first Pope.

Benedict then lamented that aggressive proselytism by sects had made ecumenical dialogue more problematic. Perhaps what Christ had in mind was a forceful Vicar of Christ that ruled his Church. Instead Benedict XVI said there was a need for deep doctrinal awareness among Catholics, so they could better know the specific identity of Christian communities, the elements that divide them and the possible areas of cooperation.

What do Catholics need to learn from Protestants?

Wouldn't be better to tell bishops to renounce modernism, declare that Protestants are heretics, promote true Catholicism, reintroduce Catholicism back into their parishes and reinstitute the Holy Mass?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Latinos becoming Muslims?

It has been reported that many former Latin American Catholics, most notably Mexican American and Puerto Ricans have left the true faith of Christ and have converted to Islam. Once the faith and to solace of many Latinos, the Catholic Church is taking a back seat to the faith of the enemy.

According to LALM (La Asociacion de Latino Musulmanes) some of the reasons given by converts are the simplicity of the religion, acknowledgement that the Virgin Mary is still the mother of Jesus. They also state that Islam is easier to understand than the concept of the Holy Trinity.
Of course what is not said by LALM is that these former Catholics are denying the divinity of Christ, the concept of original sin, and the need for expiation of sin through the cross. Additionally, converts do not realize Islam bloody history against Christians.

Alarmingly, this abandonment can be attributed to the general lax treatment of Catechism in the Novus Order, the non sacrificial nature of New Mass, and general decadence of the Novus Order.

Traditional Catholicism should be able to find a place with Latin Americans who look for devotion to Mary, sacrificial nature of the Mass, and clarity in their relationship to Christ. This is an opportunity for Traditional Roman Catholics to share our Roman Catholic Faith with our Hispanic brothers whose history is full of devotion to the Mother of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

Viva Cristo Rey

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cardinal Mahony ordains a 68 year old married priest

In an historic, joyful and solemn ceremony, Cardinal Roger Mahony ordained to the priesthood Father William Lowe, the first married and former Episcopalian priest to be so ordained in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, at Blessed Junipero Serra Church in Camarillo May 6.

The Sunday afternoon liturgy included scores of parishioners, Santa Barbara Region Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Curry, 14 priests and a dozen deacons and their wives. Father Lowe was accompanied by his wife Linda, their three grown children, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law and five grandchildren. Also present were local Christian clergy, representatives of the Ventura County Interfaith Community and Father Lowe's former seminary dean from his days in the Episcopalian seminary more than 40 years ago.

Noting this unique moment of Christian celebration, Cardinal Mahony said the church welcomed Father Lowe's ordination "with great gratitude to almighty God, but also with great hopes and expectations, because you not only bring new things to us in your own person, family, but you also bring your own heritage of years past."
Excerpt from the Tidings

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


VATICAN CITY, MAY 8, 2007 (VIS) - Made public today was a communique concerning the seventh meeting of the Special Council for Europe of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. The meeting was held in the Vatican on April 23.

The gathering was attended by Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, and by members of the presidency of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE).

According to the communique Archbishop Eterovic, making reference to John Paul II's 2003 Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in Europa, recalled the challenges and the signs of hope facing the Church on the European continent.

"The challenges of the current moment should encourage all the living forces of the Church," the communique reads, "to renew the impetus of evangelization on the European continent, which is showing signs of some weariness but also of revival."

"In the face of the modern challenges facing the Church throughout the continent of Europe," it is "episcopal collegiality" that represents "the appropriate space for the communion of pastors among themselves and with the Holy Father, with a view to renewed evangelizing activity.

"Such communion," the communique adds, "which enjoys the guarantee of unity and effectively ensures the real unity of the universal Church and of the Church in Europe, strengthens pastors as they constantly announce the Gospel in their various situations, where it is necessary to reaffirm the primacy of God in order to reiterate the dignity of man, created in His image an likeness, in the personal and community dimension."

Source: Vatican News Service

Apocalypse Times

Subject: Apocalypse Times, Gov.Romney,,,JosephNew England sees worst floods in 70 years,,,Yahoo newsThe latest storms seemed almost BIBLICAL, Gov. Mitt Romney said tuesday,(after the storms hit), on ABC's "Good Morning America." I guess the End Times is a joke until they hit, IN YOUR BACK YARD.Good Morning America should change it's name to, WAKE UP AMERICIA.

In Christ, Joseph

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Roman Catholic Forum supports the return to the Traditional Latin Mass sanctioned by Pope St. Pius V as "Valid in Perpetuity" (Papal Bull: Quo Primum Tempore, 14 July 1570). We seek and support clergy ordained in Pre Vatican II rites. We pray for faithful Catholics caught up in the Novous Ordo, the return of disaffected Catholics back into the fold, the conversion of Russia, world peace and the reparation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We also seek and promote Pre-Vatican II Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, and Extreme Unction.We invite you return to the Catholic faith. We encourage all pagans, Infidel Muslims, Jews, agnostics, and atheists to find the truth in Jesus Christ.
We invite you return to the Catholic faith.